Admission policy
1. The Principal admits children only after they are selected by a selection Committee consisting of three members constituted by the Correspondent.
2. The L.K.G admissions are decided by the Selection Committee after meeting the parents and the child as and when the dates are announced by the Committee.
3. No child can be selected for admission by the Principal alone
4. Admissions to the classes other than L.K.G. are decided by the Selection Committee in the beginning of the academic year as per the availability of vacancies.
5. No recommendations are entertained.
A month’s notice is required before a boy/girl can be withdrawn from the
school, failing which a month’s fee must be paid. Those who leave in April
must pay the fees for May also.
Notice of leaving the school must be given before the beginning of the
holidays, or else fees for the first month of the following term will have to
be paid.
Please note that both parents (Father and Mother) have to sign on the
application for a Transfer Certificate for their child. Once issued the name
of the student remains deleted from that class.