Class LKG D Assembly (Dt: 25/01/2025)
Class I C Assembly (Dt: 03/12/2024)
Dynamic School Award 2024 by Education Today
Class X E Assembly (Dt: 27/07/2024
Class UKG C Assembly (Dt: 30/01/2025)
INDICA - The India Quiz 2024
Splash with the Brush activity by UKG students (Dt: 27/07/2024)
Class UKG B Assembly (Dt: 29/01/2025)
Innovista 2024, a Science Expo (Dt:30_11_2024)
Class VIII A Assembly (Dt: 19/09/2024)
Class IV D Assembly (Dt: 26/07/2024
Class VI E Assembly (Dt: 28/01/2025)
Invitation_Annual Day 2024-2025
4th AIAMS EUREKA Quiz - 2024
Class X D Assembly (Dt: 16/07/2024)
Class LKG C Assembly (Dt: 24/01/2025)
Innovista 2024, a Science Expo (Dt:30-11-2024)
3rd Rev. Bro. Berchmans Memorial Interschool Quiz Competition - 2024
Science faculty attended with Faculty Development Programme at CSIR (Dt:27/07/2024)
Planting Saplings by Class V
Innovista 2024, a Science Expo (Dt: 30-11-2024)
Teachers' Day Celebrations - High School (Dt: 05-09-2024)
Class IV B Assembly (Dt: 19/07/2024)
Class LKG Assembly (Dt: 23/01/2025)
Assembly by English and Dramatics Club, the Consumer Club, and the Social Studies Club (27_11_2024)
Teachers' Day Celebrations - Primary School (Dt: 05-09-2024)
Colours day activity - Class LKG (Dt: 13/07/2024)
Green House Assembly - Classes V to VII
Class I A Assembly (Dt: 26/11/2024)
Class IX D Assembly (Dt: 30/08/2024)
Awareness Camp by GHMC for mosquito borne diseases and their prevention (Dt:12/07/2024)
Class VII B Assembly (Dt: 26/11/2024)
Birthday Celebration - Class LKG (Dt: 02/09/2024)
Dental Health Camp (Dt: 09/07/2024)
Class VI C Assembly (Dt: 21/01/2025)
Drawing Competition conducted by ASHS
Eureka Quiz (Dt: 31/08/2024)
House Assembly was conducted by the Astronauts (Dt: 06/07/2024)
Seminar on Cyber Security for Students & Parents of Class IX & X (Dt: 18/01/2025)
Fancy Dress Competition: Class - UKG (Dt: 29/08/2024)
Class X C Assembly (Dt: 02/07/2024)
Class VI B Assembly (Dt: 17/01/2025)
Fruits Activity day by Kindergarten (Dt: 29/08/2024)
Investiture Ceremony_Pre-Primary. (Dt: 05/07/2024)
Staff Picnic (Dt: 15/01/2025)
Seminar for Class X Students by Dr. Ashish Chauhan (Dt: 16/11/2024)
National Space Day (Dt: 23/08/2024)
2nd Little Flower High School State Ranking Table Tennis Tournament from 30th June to 2nd July 2024.
Essay Writing Competition conducted by Indian Meteorological Department
NTRA LFHS MUN 2024 valedictory ceremony (Dt: 16/11/2024)
Techwiz - IT Quiz conducted at LFS, Uppal (Dt: 17/08/2024)
Investiture Ceremony_P.S. (Dt: 29/06/2024)
Class IX C Assembly (Dt: 17/08/2024)
Our Principal Rev. Bro. Shajan Antony's birthday Celebrations _HS.(Dt: 03/07/2024)
Class VI A Assembly (Dt: 9/01/2025)
INTRA LFHS MUN 2024 inaugural ceremony (Dt: 15/11/2024)
Independence Day Celebrations - High School (Dt: 15/08/2024)
Our Principal Rev. Bro. Shajan Antony's birthday Celebrations _P.S.(Dt: 03/07/2024)
Picnics - Classes V to VII
Children's day celebrations-PS (Dt:14/11/2024)
Independence Day Celebrations - Primary School
Class X B Assembly (Dt: 26/06/2024)
11th Stag Telangana state and inter district table tennis championship 2024
Children's day celebrations-HS (Dt:14/11/2024)
Teachers of Primary section conducted the assembly (Dt: 27/06/2024)
Visit of Most Rev. Bro. Dionigi Taffarello, Superior General, Rome (Dt: 18/12/2024)
Class VII A Assembly (Dt: 12/11/2024)
Independence Day Celebrations - Pre Primary
Kindergarten adventures begin
Annual day - Little Flower Fiesta (Dt: 21/12/2024)
4th Shree Gujarati Seva Mandal Telangana State Ranking Table Tennis tournament
Walking on the Line' activity - Class - LKG
visit to Mother Teresa Nirmala Shishu Bhavan (Dt: 07/12/2024)
Class II C Assembly (Dt: 05/11/2024)
Freedom Quiz (12/08/2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - V (Dt: 24/06/2024)
Class I E Assembly (Dt: 17/12/2024)
Readers' Forum Club and the Debate and Orators' Club (Dt: 30/10/2024)
Class IV E Assembly (Dt: 07/08/2024)
Investiture Ceremony for Classes V to X (Dt: 23/06/2024)
United Carol Singing Competition for Schools and Colleges (Dt: 08/12/2024)
Class II B Assembly (Dt: 30/10/2024)
Green Drive initiative, Van Mahotsav and Haritha Haram (Dt: 03/07/ 2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - X (Dt: 21/06/2024)
Class VII B Assembly (Dt: 16/12/2024)
Class VIII D Assembly (Dt: 29/10/2024)
Class III A Assembly (Dt: 12/08/2024)
International Yoga Day Celebrations (Dt: 21/06/2024)
Robo Cup Junior Nationals 2025
Fancy dress Competition - Class LKG (Dt: 26/10/2024)
Session on Online Safety for teenagers and Cyber Security by M aster Raj B. Reddy (Dt: 07/08/2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - IV (Dt: 20/06/2024)
Home for the Disabled, Bansilalpet (Dt: 13/12/2024)
Class II A Assembly (Dt: 29/10/2024)
Class IX B Assembly (Dt: 06/08/2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - III (Dt: 20/06/2024)
visited Sneha Nilayam Old Age Home
Friendship day celebration by Class VII (Dt: 04/08/2024)
Enriching session by Rev. Fr. Vijay J., for newly elected Cabinet Members (Dt: 14/06/2024)
Code Day-Hyd coding competition (14th&15th/12/2024)
Visit of Rev. Bro. Jaico Gervasis, Provincial Superior of the Pune Province
Magic with Colours activity by Class UKG
Orientation Programme - Class - UKG (Dt: 15/06/2024)
Visit to Don Bosco Orphanage (Dt: 13/12/2024)
Robotics Exhibition - Primary School (Dt: 19/10/2024)
Class IX A Assembly (Dt: 30/07/2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - LKG (Dt: 15/06/2024)
visit to the Girls' Orphanage (Dt:10/12/2024)
Class VIII C Assembly (Dt: 25/10/2024)
Red House Assembly (Dt: 31/07/2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - I (Dt: 14/06/2024)
Visit to Arnold Bala Vikasa Ashram, Sanga Reddy (Dt:11/12/2024)
Aqua Regia The School Quiz 2024
Solo Dance Competition (Dt: 30/07/2024)
Orientation Programme - Class - II (Dt: 14/06/2024)
India School Merit Awards 2024, hosted by Education Today
Class III E Assembly (Dt: 25/10/2024)
Class LKG Kreedo Lab Activity
Activity - Class - UKG (12/06/2024)
15th Football Skating World Cup held at Turkey
Class VIII B Assembly (Dt: 22/10/2024)
Seminar on Journey Towards My Career by Rev. Bro. Dr. George Palackal (Dt: 30th & 31st Aug, 2024)
Special Assembly by teachers (Dt: 12/06/2024)
ET TECH X Education Award
Class III D Assembly (Dt: 22/10/2024)
Table Tennis tournament organised by Rukmini Bai sports academy
Felicitation - Ms. Ann Oommen (Dt: 10/06/2024)
Fr. M. Devasia Carol Singing Competition conducted by St. Patrick's High School, Secunderabad
Investiture Ceremony - Scouts and Guides (Dt: 19-10-2024)
State Ranking Table Tennis tournament
The new academic year 2024-25 & Eucharistic Celebrations (Dt: 11-06-2024)
visit Nirmala Hruday, home for the destitute (Dt: 04-12-2024)
Bro. Apoli D'Souza Birthday Celebrations (Dt: 18/07/2024)
Telangana Formation Day (02-06-2024)
Class I B Assembly (Dt: 04/12/2024)
Educational Tour to Amritsar, Dharamshala, and Delhi during Dasara holidays
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